Whale & Sea Horse Dreaming with flower & Cowries Shell medicine.

Includes the magic of Australian Native Flowers which include:
native Australian Lotus flower and Cowrie Shell
Whale & Seahorse Dreaming with flower & Cowries Shell medicine ~ Soul Magic
This one being the Orange/Brown colour is the male Seahorse.
The Tiger Snout Seahorse represents the moving towards a greater sense of self so that you can allow yourself to be opened up more in order to receive more self-love, this will also create an outpour of love from others.
It’s not an easy thing to do because sometimes we have experienced certain situations in our lives which have let us down or caused us great emotional hurt or turmoil from deep within and expressing it to someone could be the key to allowing more trust to come in which can create more ease & calm, especially when before there was none.
Adapting to your self needs and recognising what these needs are in relation to your self helps us to identify these wrong-doings from certain people or events so we can recognise it and let it go so the healing can begin.
Because of this we are able to have more trust of this sense of self which can allow the inner magic to come alive which is in line with the flow and rhythm of nature and the underwater sea world.
Whale is giving us the protection while we are able to explore the hidden depths of ourself. We are in “Soul Searching” mode when Humpback Whales are on the scene so they have given us this little hidden cove to explore all these sensitive wonders which enable us to fully awaken to which is inside ourself through the magic of our heart & soul.
The Tiger Snout Seahorse also known as the Western Australian Seahorse exist within Australia, they travel to the Swan River in Summer time where they mainly breed and found feeding where they are collected and used in aquariums, they are endangered and almost extinct if not already because of this. It is one of the most beautiful and delicate Seahorses I’ve ever seen and comes in a variety of different colours such as grey, brown, white, burgundy-red, orange pink and purple. The one I’ve painted in this painting is a male and their size is between 20-25cm.
They prefer to live in rocky areas where there is shallow muddy waters, sea-squirts and sponges and a natural food source is zooplankton.
Flowers give us hope and give us something to hang onto. When I was a little girl I went through a lot of horrendous experiences and then a miracle accoured which was carried on a message of a flower which I saw come back to life after being dead right in front of my very eyes.
It was a magical experience and one I almost forgot until I got older and began to remember again. So, flowers can be highly beneficial to the healing process or journey you may be going through at the time. We can forget so many memories and experiences from when we were young because of our day-to-day busy lives that symbolic and colourful paintings with sacred messages and symbols from nature can awaken us to, reminding and connecting us to the purity of our soul and the guidance that comes from within, just dying to come out.
Painting comes with "About Mirree" postcard and story postcard of the "WHALE & SEA HORSE".
Signed by the Artist: Mirree