"Family Songlines" is the 1st Card in the Dreamtime Card Deck and represents your spiritual journey as you make your own tracks feeling the land through the soles of your feet. A little bit of a concept like when we step foot on the land we can have a positive or negative experience when we visit certain places, depending on the certain events that have taken place their from the past, this is the sensitivity Aboriginal people hold in connection and close affinity to the land. Its getting the right balance throughout life with holding this close connection and bond to life of the land.
Dreamtime Card Deck, written and Illustrated by Wiradjuri Artist: Mirree
These tracks are our spiritual connection that are buried deep within country and connect to the heartbeat of Mother Earth, knowledge of the land, their animals and those of family that have lived before. The purpose of the lines is to gain further knowledge through passing on the ancient ways of the land and in many cases healing for self, the land, culture and for others so that they may open themselves up to the understanding of the dreaming.
Mirree's logo, images speak to the deepest places in our soul.
Which is why I made it my logo, for those looking for a new way to live life consciously in connection and respect to the ways of the land from the past, present and future. Connecting to your roots allows you to know where you have come from and when we can find this, it is planted firmly within the ground.
But unfortunately for a lot of us we are still looking and trying to find it, because this connection to the land becomes a hidden identity that only you have the power to possess and persevere with in order to find it.
Little bit like a maze or jig-saw. This feeling and connection makes up our identity.
Card No: 28 in the Dreamtime Card Deck: "I am Happy"
Never be afraid to be who you are, stand tall and proud, appearances are just superficial so if your skin is white embrace it, no matter what colour your skin is. Whatever criticism you receive will only make you strong.
Don't change just because of the criticism, always remember where you have come from and what you've learnt and gone through to get where you are now and never stop fighting to be alive and to believe in who you are. Through these connections we can be strong again and relate and respect each other, learning and loving one another. When we can keep remembering this, life becomes simple again.
Family Songlines...
Are you ready to Songline Dream
Songlines make up the Aboriginal belief system and they not only relate to the Dreaming connected to the land of the Creator Beings they also relate to the Dreamings that are in the sky.
There maybe an understanding you need to reach that will enable you to have an intuition and responsibility that will uncover an important aspect of your family.No: 18 Superb Wren with Rainbow Serpent 1 meter Original Painting
That is why "Family Songlines" is so empowering because it reminds us that our soul is going to thrive by taking action to push ourselves to move forward and the time is right now...read more below. A new chapter in your life is coming that will require you to make some important decisions. Let your Songline Dreaming be your guide so that you can travel back to your roots to learn more....read more below...
“Family Songlines” ~ INNER JOURNEY/HEALING
Are you ready to take an inward journey to learn more about yourself?
You are about to travel the tracks within country that maybe connected to places you have been before like your hometown: where you grew up or a place you are visiting for the 1st time, SO you can re-learn, re-live or remember your experiences from before OR you may also be ready to learn new ones to enrich and further expand your experience.....
These tracks are our spiritual connection that are buried deep within country and connect to the heartbeat of Mother Earth, knowledge of the land, their animals and those of family that have lived before. The purpose of the lines is to gain further knowledge through passing on the ancient ways of the land and in many cases healing for self, the land, culture and for others so that they may open themselves up to the understanding of the dreaming.
NEGATIVE: Careless, Unaware, Immature
POSITIVE: Responsibility, Intuition, Understanding
Hope you were touched by "Family Songlines'" !
Australian Animals in the Dreamtime Card Deck & Dreamtime Colouring Book
Read more about Family Songlines and go on your own Spiritual Journey with the Dreamtime Card Deck, where a Collection of Australian Animal Original Paintings are featured by Aboriginal Contemporary Artist: Mirree, painted in her brightly coloured Contemporary Aboriginal style.
Receive 33 glossy Cards of the Animals, 85 Page Booklet and Box to keep them safe. Instructions: Draw 1 Card per week or per day to receive your Spiritual Guidance connected to the Dreamtime.
OR here is the Family Songlines Limited Edition Print OR