In many Aboriginal tribes around Australia “Platypus” is an important animal throughout Aboriginal culture, especially for the Wiradjuri tribal areas.
If you take a look inside the Dreamtime Companion Book Mirree uncovers some fast but fun facts about the Platypus -
- The Platypus is a poisonous mammal that lays eggs.
- The Platypus has thick, waterproof fur which use to be prized possession in the 1900's.
- Their habitat consists of rivers, streams and ponds.
- They spend 17 hours per day resting in a dry burrow on the bank of the river, under tree roots. The rest of the time is spent feeding.

Platypus Original Art Painting for cleansing and rain ceremony
Platypus only belong to Australia and can not be found throughout any other parts of the world.
Platypus are found in the states of QLD, NSW, VIC and Tasmania.
Here you will find the 6 best places to visit Platypus that belong to Australia on this link: 6 places to see Platypus
One of Mirree's favourite place to spot Platypus is in "Cameron Park" in Wellington NSW. Which is not too far from her hometown of Dubbo.
That is the place that she was inspired to paint the painting "Dreamtime Platypus".

Other cultures and countries throughout the world have always fascinated and inspired Art by Mirree. Although Mirree has performed all her traditional ceremonies, she strives to paint about a universal viewpoint which is not purely traditional, but is built on respect, inspired by the past but infused with a Modern Contemporary Art Practise which respects and honours the past and the ancestors.
The information we strive for should have an equal balance, every day she strives to put fresh information out into the
Dreamtime Platypus Journal
world that people can relate and connect to from all cultures and backgrounds. But most importantly in keeping up to todays modern fast paced world to assist in healing, growing, understanding and developing ourselves the way nature intended.
Platypus Original Aboriginal Art Canvas Print for spirit cleansing
When buying a Platypus Aboriginal painting, try to remember that it will give you strong medicine and messages from spirit.
Platypus Dreamtime message: It's time to get back to nature in order to rejuvenate the spirit. Reconnect with a body of water, trees and plants for the best experience where you will also find Platypus.
Dreamtime Card Deck with Platypus Dreamtime Card message and booklet
So try not to be fearful in what your wanting to do at this time, as fear can at times be a lack of knowledge about something, so try not to be sacred.
We must learn to take the time to close the doors to any unfinished business. It’s like being given a conscious chance to close the door on the old/past in order to say goodbye and open a new one where the light has been left on for you.
We all go through hurt and pain which can be linked to these certain cycles or stages throughout our life. That is where an animal spirit guide can protect you on your spiritual journey through life.
Please Note: I write this information to give respect to the elders and ancestors of the land and only wish to inform and educate those who want to hear about the oldest continuing culture in the world, the ancient Aboriginal Culture, the culture I am part of which was passed down to me from my father’s side. Because education means knowledge and having the knowledge means having the confidence and pride in yourself to achieve great things in life, to be an example to others in your community and those that surround you and to speak with the strength, courage and power to walk your talk.