I must say since working as a full-time Artist as a most serious and professional career move in 2012, my life continues to be a growing and ever-expanding experience. Creativity has been a life-long thing for me. Since the age of 5 dancing as a ballerina for about 5 years, then the flute for 6 years, but as I reached high school, doing Art and expressing myself through drawing and painting has been the main thing that stuck over the years, because I found I could incorporate my love of music and movement that I loved via dancing through my works.

I think a lot of us find Art and creativity is an outlet to either express or understand ourselves more and the world we in live in, but also in relation to the connection we have with each other. When interacting with each other in this technological world we are faced with more and more distractions, we are interacting less and less face-to-face out of fear, insecurities or boundaries we have put up in order to protect ourselves. This can be very limiting and determintal to our growth and purpose in life, especially in relation to the flow and expansion of creativity.

Do you ever push yourself outside of those boundaries we often enough put up in order to either protect ourselves or out of fear?
What would you sacrifice below in order to focus more on to reach your dreams and goals? Because after all doing this is an empowering and courageous act & one that brings a lot of meaning to your life.
RELATIONSHIP ~ Would you sacrifice having a relationship to focus more on your career? Is always a huge topic of discussion and proof of this is on any social media channel that you interact with. Would you hold off on having a relationship or family so that you can focus on your career?
Do you find having a relationship is a distraction?
LOCATION ~ Would you sacrifice leaving your own country, town or city to be closer to your dream? Location is always a big thing for any Artist because it is always the big cities that have more opportunities not only for growth and expansion as an Artist but also for exposure and sales from a business point of view. For example in 2012 I moved from the city of Sydney NSW in Australia to Dubbo NSW Australia. I had a 3rd sequel to my "Hidden World" show, with the 1st 2 shows being in Sydney and Canberra. (Alot of my works sold effortlessly with at least half or more gone.) The 3rd sequel to the show, yes I sold works but people tend to hold onto their money more in country towns, this was a big eye opener for me. And all 3 shows were located at Cafes, my favourite place to exhibit.
FAMILY ~ Would you sacrifice holding off on a having a family or would a move closer or further away from family be a sacrifice for you? Having a family or being close to family is definitely not for everyone, and is a challenge to say the least either way you look at it when focusing on your career. It is very challenging for family to understand what you do and the seriousness of your work because being an Artist is not the ideal career that they would imagine you being in.
FRIENDS ~ Would you sacrifice spending time with friends in order to get the work done that will allow you to get closer to your dream?
When you are an Artist, you must admit that working to deadlines and having the ample time to produce the sufficient amount of work in the studio can very time consuming. You don't want to be rude but sometimes being an Artist requires you to work odd times of the day in order to complete a body of work, and this time is usually outside your normal working hours, you must admit.
If your anything like me you like to start studio work in the afternoon and work until late hours of the night or early morning.
Art I'm sure you'd agree is a passionate affair and at times not all avenues are always looked at. I guess this topic also depends on the level of goal you want to reach and how far you'd be willing to go to reach that goal. The greater the goal, the higher the risk. For e.g.: Some Artists want to reach places around the world, others are happy to exhibit locally.
Art is a challenge to say the least because I think in society it is one of things that is still only recognised on the highest level if you are either a teacher or graphic designer contributing to the greater everyday society at large.
It takes hard work to be recognised if this is one of your goals because it is an individual path 1st and 2nd you need to reach your audience in the most engaging way to be noticed and 3rd it is a 2D object not a 3D one, unless it is comes framed of course.
It would be interesting to know your thoughts on this, what your goals and the balancing act your currently doing in relation to your career, good luck with it all and keep reaching for your dreams & goals !
Learn more about the Artist: Mirree
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