Well who would of guessed the Lady Beetle...
The Ancestral Lady Beetle is about creating the magic & unexpected opportunities may arise out of nowhere...stay tuned for some more....
Red/Orange lady bettles bodies...they are not dead don't worry...
Now red/orange Lady beetle bodies & green leaves full view...
Close up of the green leaves and red/orange lady beetles with yellow dots for the daisies...
Full view of green leaves and red/orange lady beetles with yellow dots for the daisies...
Daisies are now appearing...
Full view of the daisy chains, green leaves and red/orange lady beetles.

Close up of the daisy chains, green leaves and red/orange lady beetles.
Now this is where is begins to get interesting...
All off white line work done...
Close up of leaves and line work...
Now the exciting part...the Lady Beetles so far...they are finally coming alive...what a joy...daisy chains, dandelions & leaves...