Top 10 Things To Do If Starting out as a Professional Artist

Top 10 Things To Do If Starting out as a Professional Artist

From reading countless social media articles, attending entrepreneur seminars, writing workshops, taking business courses, and much more, what all this boils down to is what really works, this is the most valuable advice from all this that I've learnt.

Practise and test on a daily basis from your own experience what works for you, just make sure you are trying and testing things on a regular basis, because really in the end this is what will come out on top. 

Working as a Full-time Artist from home, without a back up plan or part-time job, here is the list I found highly beneficial so that you no longer have to waste anymore time, reading, writing or anything else that is wasting your precious time not being in the studio painting your latest and greatest masterpiece.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Things you must do regularly if your starting out as a Professional Artist and you want to be noticed more...


1. Start a Facebook Business page today which brings value and peace of mind to your customers ! Host a  monthly competition where your customers can win FREE stuff. People want social proof now more than ever, they want to know where they can find you and possibly even make contact with you, so you can't isolate yourself away, after all your not from outer space.
Being an Artist means you have to be accessible to your fans, especially once your fan base has over 5000-10,000 people. They need to know you are reliable.

2. If Facebook is not your thing, then make sure you stick mainly to 1 social media channel/platform. This is where you will focus most of your daily & studio posts on, otherwise you will be stretching yourself too thin. It is not all about the different types of social media you are on, but that you are on.

3. Post once a day. You must stick to a plan and make a daily effort, in the long this will greatly pay off for you. Also this will show people a variety of what you can do. Because people want to know they can trust you and the best way to do that is if your reliable and stable in your business, which means you have to know what your plan is.
If you mainly post new paintings in the form of photos then do that consistently, if you mainly post videos, then do that consistently, or it maybe quotes from other sites, whatever your mainly known or recognised as doing, just do it and no excuses.

4. What is your goal? Do you have a plan for your work? You must have a plan. The best way to get recognised is by having a body of work or series of paintings, prints, drawings (or whatever other creative medium you are working in) with a common theme. This also shows you are a serious Artist if you create a body of work over many years, it also adds a great deal of value and worth to your work as an Artist, so that your work will be worth a lot of money in the years to come.

5. Again work on your plan. 1 year plan, 5 year plan, 10 year plan. If you have no plan then you won't know where you want to take your work and your business.
It is always a good decision to make a business plan that includes these 3 simple strategies:
What is your social media plan? How many times will you post per week?
What is your income plan? How much will you make per year and how will you do it? 
What is your body of work plan? > Income Plan
All these 3 are interconnected, especially if you plan on making an income online.

6. You must invest in a website. Your website will be your portfolio, whether you create one on it or not. If you want to make a full-time income selling your work.

7. I highly suggest personally selling to your work friends, family and your current fan base, this will save yourself money on advertising. You won't need to spend money on advertising when your 1st starting out, it will be a waste of money if your unsure of what you are doing in relation to advertising. Internet advertising is a tricky business.

8. Share your work in other Facebook groups or social media groups to save on advertising. This may one day become the pinnacle point of your work. This is a must.

9. Have somewhere on your social media platform or website for your customers feedback, this is what customers will be looking out for if your name is not yet established. And because trust is the most important thing you will need to build with your customer, especially if you want them to keep coming back for more paintings from you.

10. Its going to take work, a lot of hard and consistent work. Learn to know what your customers want and write about the content of your work and what you've learnt as a practising Professional Artist through blogs, I'm sure other budding Artists would love to hear about it and this will be a chance for you to know about valuable feedback from your customers and fan base, this will be the most valuable asset to you and the growth of your business and work. But it will all be worth it in the end and if it is your passion, your purpose, your dream, you will not notice it as much because you will love what you are doing. And because this passion will show, your customers will love it too !

I hope you enjoyed learning about being a Professional Artist.

The decision & responsibility is in your hands and with the right planning and know how such as this, it makes doing daily tasks that much easier when you know in the long run that your daily goals will achieve the greatest results that you are looking for.

Learn more about Mirree here:
Follow Mirree on Facebook here:

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Book Set - 2 Books 'Flower Medicine Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and POCKET BOOK SET by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series Book Set - 2 Books 'Flower Medicine Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and POCKET BOOK SET by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series
Book Set - 2 Books 'Flower Medicine Colouring... ¥3,400 ¥3,500
Available Now, Buy Now to receive your FREE Story Postcard! Choose your 1 FREE Animal Dreaming Postcard per Colouring Book from below (worth $34.95), and place your chosen Animal in the comment box upon check-out! Receive a bonus 3 Templates, check out the animals in the book below, never been seen before animals, only in the "Flower Medicine Colouring Book" : Snowy Owl Willie Wag Tail Dolphin with Turtle Emu Horse Possum and Baby Copperwing Butterfly Humpback Whale with Seahorse Koala and Baby Kookaburra Dingo Swamp Wallaby Zebra Finch Budgerigars Lilly Pad with Dragonfly Lady Beetle with Butterfly Surprise BONUS Template Surprise BONUS Template Surprise BONUS Template Buy now your "Flower Medicine Colouring Book"  & "Flower Medicine Pocket Book" and receive free story postcard of your choice! The Flower Medicine Books will contain research that Mirree has done over the years about these Flower Medicine Plants, 5% from every "Flower Medicine" Book will be donated to research about the Flowers.  
Book Set - 2 Books 'Animal Totem Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and POCKET BOOK SET by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series Book Set - 2 Books 'Animal Totem Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and POCKET BOOK SET by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series
Book Set - 2 Books 'Animal Totem Colouring... ¥3,400
We only have limited copies now, get your copy of the 'ANIMAL TOTEM Colouring Book' before we sell out !The Dreamtime Book Sets all are sold out as well! Choose your 1 FREE Animal Dreaming Postcard per Colouring Book from below, and place your chosen Animal in the comment box upon check-out!Take a look inside the A4 Colouring Book! 👆👆👆Take a look inside the A5 Story Book!  👆👆👆 Receive a bonus 2 Templates, check out the animals in the book below, never been seen before animals, only in the "Animal Totems Colouring Book" : Magpie Copperwing Butterfly Gecko Goanna Possum SeaDragon White-Faced Heron Humpback Whale Dolphin Pink Galah Bilby Dingo Ancestral Sky Emu Crimson Rosella Kookaburra Wombat Kangaroo Turtle Eagle Barramundi Koala Echidna Crocodile Bogong Moth Bee  Platypus Brolga Black Swan BONUS Template White Cockatoo BONUS Template This listing is for the "Animal Totem Colouring Book"  & "Animal  Totem Pocket Book" Saving you $2.00 when you buy them together! 5% from every book sale will be donated to Aboriginal Communities and Children in need.    AVAILABLE NOW! 
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2 Books 'Dreamtime Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and COMPANION BOOK by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series 2 Books 'Dreamtime Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and COMPANION BOOK by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series
2 Books 'Dreamtime Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK and... ¥3,500
The 'Dreamtime Colouring Book' is currently our No: 1 Best Selling Product! *NEW UPDATED* VERSION COMING SOON! Choose your 1 FREE Animal Dreaming Postcard per Colouring Book from below, and place your chosen Animal in the comment box upon check-out!This listing is for the "Dreamtime Colouring Book"  & "Dreamtime Companion Book" Save $4.00 when you by them together !If you already have the Colouring Book then you must have the pocket size Colour Companion Book, buy separately! click here: ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE AND WE ONLY HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT TO BEGIN WITH.ALL THE TEMPLATES IN THE BOOK! Inside the Companion BookPlease Note: If you are having any problems purchasing online, please do not hesitate to send me an email at : with all your details such as name, address, email and your order and I will put the order through manually for you. I have a number of customers that prefer it this way and is more convenient for them.A4 Ring Bound Colouring Book, you can tear out your most cherished and meaningful piece, frame it and hang it in your favourite room... If you've already loved Mirree's animal dreamings, well now they will be carefully comprised into this "Colouring Dreamtime Book" especially for adults, beginners and kids alike. Everything in the book, from the picture to the written text, the cover, back, even down to the production of it, under Mirree's direction has been created by Contemporary Aboriginal Artist.  Order direct from the Aboriginal Artist that created it, contact Mirree personally via her Facebook page at: Artworks by Mirree if you have any troubles putting your order through 30 Animal Dreaming Templates plus in the Colouring Book In the Companion Book which you will receive also, includes spiritual stories, reference points, fun facts, colouring tips and much more Spiritual Animal meanings to help you along your journey Each page is printed single sided with template on one side and the spiritual meaning on the other side to inspire you Completely hand-crafted, designed & created by Contemporary Aboriginal Artist Mirree from her 1 meter Original Animal Dreaming Paintings which have been in the making since 2011 A4 Landscape in Size and Ring Bound so your templates sit completely straight on the page Mirree has won "Teacher of the Year" Award for her work in the past for making students feel that sense of belonging through Art (see Certificate) On one side will be the animal image to colour in and on the other side will be the inner meaning that goes with the animal and how it relates to you in your life, so you can delve into each animal to choose which one resonates with you the best. Alot of the time my customers get over-whelmed because there is so many animals to choose from and they want to have one for there very own to purchase, in this colouring book you can get up close and personal with all of the animals and begin to understand which one resonates with you the most.There maybe 1 you want to mainly work with and concentrate on or there maybe a few of them. It's like having your very own personal animal guiding you on your journey. You will receive: 1 A4 Size Dreamtime Colouring Book by Mirree &1 A6 Size Dreamtime Companion Book DONT BE FOOLED BY IMITATION DREAMTIME COLOURING BOOKS, THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DIRECTLY CREATED FROM AN ABORIGINAL ARTIST LIKE THIS ONE HAS.What makes this book so unique is that it has been designed, created and written by Aboriginal Artist: Mirree & the book will not be made available to the shops, it can only be purchased here online or from Mirree personally via her Facebook page at: Artworks by MirreeThere is more books to come soon... Pictures & Stories © by Mirree This book is a tribute to my Dad who has stood by my side since the beginning of my journey of self discovery and healing through Art, it was never an easy time back then, but one that has continued to enrich my life everyday since. Besides great things are never meant to be easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it! Below is a newspaper clipping from my very 1st Cultural Art award I won, we both won awards that year. He gives me the strength to grow, inspiring me to continue my life's passion, against any odds. Mirree is a Contemporary Aboriginal Artist from Wiradjuri country in NSW Australia. She won the "Teacher of the Year" award in 2009 for her work teaching at the Canberra Institute of Technology at the Aboriginal Centre teaching cultural Art to students from the ages of 15-55, making the students feel that sense of belonging through their Art. She has been painting since a teenager; she wishes to share her gift of painting & story telling to the world. Purchase Mirree’s Art here: OR follow her on facebook:     Buy the matching Dreamtime Oracle Card Deck here Due for release in February 2017!  
LIMITED EDITION 'Dreamtime Oracle Deck' ORACLE DECK by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series
LIMITED EDITION 'Dreamtime Oracle Deck' ORACLE DECK by... ¥7,800
DELIVERIES ARE CURRENTLY TAKING PLACE ! Who is the “Dreamtime” Deck for: -Adults -Art Lovers -Highly Spiritual and Sensitive People -Psychic and Spiritual Readers -Those who already have the Dreamtime Colouring Book Set -Someone looking for answers -To learn more about Aboriginal Culture -Teachers  Please Note: If you are having any problems purchasing online, please do not hesitate to send me an email here : CLICK HERE with all your details such as name, address, email and your order and I will put the order through manually for you. I have a number of customers that prefer it this way and is more convenient for them. You will receive - 36 Dreamtime Cards on 300gsm Glossy Card with Gold Foil edges Brand new look with Brand new Animals Fully Updated 100 page Physical Guidebook & Instructions  2 Part Box to protect your Cards & Booklet  Receive insight on topics related to Relationships, Career, Cycles of Life, Transformation and much more! After the successful launch of her best-selling "Dreamtime Colouring Book" Mirree knew that some people still felt a division and isolation in relation to culture. In this Companion Guidebook to the Dreamtime Oracle Cards for Spiritual Guidance Mirree helps you to delve deeper into the heart & soul of the land and its animals so you can feel that sense of belonging to culture again. This reconnection provides you with the hidden messages and signs that make up your own Dreaming so that you can learn to develop and understand your own spirituality for the sensitive soul. RECEIVE YOUR: 36 beautiful Glossy Cards with gold-gilded edges which is an application of gold foil on the edges of the Cards 100 Page Guidebook and 2-part Box to protect them in Available only online, direct from Mirree the Artist   Each animal depicted in “The Oracle Deck of the Dreamtime” offers a solution to certain problems in life.  At times, as we make our everyday journey through life, we need spiritual guidance and support to understand which direction to turn or which path to take. Each card contains a powerful visual message which, through contemplation, will help the viewer to reach a solution to a problem or the answer to a question relevant to their life journey.  If you've got "The Colouring Book of the Dreamtime" then you've got to get "The Oracle Deck of the Dreamtime"... The Colouring Book of the Dreamtime has formed the foundation to the Oracle Card Deck. If you've already got the Colouring Book then you now prepared for what's to come in this unique Card Deck. ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE AND WE ONLY HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT TO BEGIN WITH.NOW AVAILABLE!  You will receive - 36 Dreamtime Cards on 300gsm Glossy Card with Gold Foil edges Brand new look with Brand new Animals Fully Updated 100 page Physical Guidebook & Instructions 2 Part Box to protect your Cards & Booklet  Mirree believes that when we contemplate certain images it triggers natural responses that are more in line with our greatest potential or higher self. The Rainbow Serpent, and other animals in this oracle card deck carry messages which are designed to bring us closer to our inner self, our natural culture and to the ways of the land from the Dreamtime; when we lived as one, in balance with nature and its powerful force. Please Note: If you are having any problems purchasing online, please do not hesitate to send me an email here : CLICK HERE with all your details such as name, address, email and your order and I will put the order through manually for you. I have a number of customers that prefer it this way and is more convenient for them.If you've already loved Mirree's ART, well now they will be carefully comprised into this "Oracle Dreamtime Deck" especially for adults, beginners and kids alike.What makes this card deck so unique is that it has been designed, created and written by Aboriginal Artist: Mirree & the card deck will not be made available to the shops, it can only be purchased here online or from Mirree personally via her Facebook page at: Artworks by Mirree   Mirree is a Contemporary Aboriginal Artist from Wiradjuri country in NSW Australia. She won the "Teacher of the Year" award in 2009 for her work teaching at the Canberra Institute of Technology at the Aboriginal Centre teaching cultural Art to students from the ages of 15-55, making the students feel that sense of belonging through their Art. She has been painting since a teenager; she wishes to share her gift of painting & story telling to the world. Purchase Mirree’s Art here: OR follow her on facebook:   Buy the matching Dreamtime Colouring Book here      
'Dreamtime Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series 'Dreamtime Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK by Mirree Contemporary Dreamtime Animal Series
'Dreamtime Colouring Book' COLOURING BOOK by Mirree Contemporary... ¥1,900
The 'Dreamtime Colouring Book' is currently our No: 1 Best Selling Product!NOW BACK IN STOCK! Choose your 1 FREE Animal Dreaming Postcard per Colouring Book from below, and place your chosen Animal in the comment box upon check-out! ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE AND WE ONLY HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT TO BEGIN WITH.ALL THE TEMPLATES IN THE BOOK! Dingo Animal DreamingBONUS #1 TEMPLATE: IN THE BEGINNING OF TIME...Please Note: If you are having any problems purchasing online, please do not hesitate to send me an email at : with all your details such as name, address, email and your order and I will put the order through manually for you. I have a number of customers that prefer it this way and is more convenient for them.A4 Ring Bound Colouring Book, you can tear out your most cherished and meaningful piece, frame it and hang it in your favourite room... If you've already loved Mirree's animal dreamings, well now they will be carefully comprised into this "Colouring Dreamtime Book" especially for adults, beginners and kids alike. Everything in the book, from the picture to the written text, the cover, back, even down to the production of it, under Mirree's direction has been created by Contemporary Aboriginal Artist.  Order direct from the Aboriginal Artist that created it, contact Mirree personally via her Facebook page at: Artworks by Mirree if you have any troubles putting your order through 22 Animal Dreaming Templates plus an extra 6 Ancestral Animal Dreaming Templates And a bonus 2 templates Spiritual Animal meanings to help you along your journey Each page is printed double sided with template zoomed in on one side and the spiritual meaning on the other side to inspire you Completely hand-crafted, designed & created by Contemporary Aboriginal Artist Mirree from her 1 meter Original Animal Dreaming Paintings which have been in the making since 2011 A4 Landscape in Size and Ring Bound so your templates sit completely straight on the page Mirree has won "Teacher of the Year" Award for her work in the past for making her students feel that sense of belonging through Art (see Certificate) On one side will be the animal image to colour in and on the other side will be the inner meaning that goes with the animal and how it relates to you in your life, so you can delve into each animal to choose which one resonates with you the best. Alot of the time my customers get over-whelmed because there is so many animals to choose from and they want to have one for there very own to purchase, in this colouring book you can get up close and personal with all of the animals and begin to understand which one resonates with you the most.There maybe 1 you want to mainly work with and concentrate on or there maybe a few of them. It's like having your very own personal animal guiding you on your journey. You will receive 1 Ring Bound Dreamtime Colouring Book by Mirree & 1 FREE Animal Dreaming Colour Postcard of your choice. DONT BE FOOLED BY IMITATION DREAMTIME COLOURING BOOKS, THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DIRECTLY CREATED FROM AN ABORIGINAL ARTIST LIKE THIS ONE HAS.What makes this book so unique is that it has been designed, created and written by Aboriginal Artist: Mirree & the book will not be made available in shops, it can only be purchased here online or from Mirree personally via her Facebook page at: Artworks by MirreeThere is more Books to come soon... Pictures & Stories © by Mirree This book is a tribute to my Dad who has stood by my side since the beginning of my journey of self discovery and healing through Art, it was never an easy time back then, but one that has continued to enrich my life everyday since. Besides great things are never meant to be easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it! Below is a newspaper clipping from my very 1st Cultural Art award I won, we both won awards that year. He gives me the strength to grow, inspiring me to continue my life's passion, against any odds. Mirree is a Contemporary Aboriginal Artist from Wiradjuri country in NSW Australia. She won the "Teacher of the Year" award in 2009 for her work teaching at the Canberra Institute of Technology at the Aboriginal Centre teaching cultural Art to students from the ages of 15-55, making the students feel that sense of belonging through their Art. She has been painting since a teenager; she wishes to share her gift of painting & story telling to the world. Purchase Mirree’s Art here: OR follow her on facebook:     Buy the matching Dreamtime Oracle Card Deck here Due for release in February 2017 !
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